Scout Sunday is observed on the Sunday preceding Feb. 8 of each year. In 2004, Scout Sunday is observed on Feb. 8 and Scout Sabbath, Feb. 14. It is appropriate for us to commemorate Scouting during a regular religious service.
The Scout Sunday or Sabbath observance may be as simple as the Scouts just attending a religious service of their choice in uniform. Anything beyond that, which you may want to include in a service, must be approved from the presiding priest, rabbi or minister.
What follows are some suggested activities to include in a normal church service.
Since it may be appropriate to include Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies and Campfire Boys and Girls in the observance, any references made to Scouts, also includes these groups.
The Scouts are to be in uniform.
The Scouts parade in during the processional as directed by the minister. If allowed, the unit’s flags may be placed in the appropriate place either before the service or at the end of the processional.
A brief welcome and introduction may be made by the minister or by an appropriate participant.
At an appropriate time during the service, a few words about Scouting and the other organizations may be made by the minister, an adult or Scout. Include some words about the Scouts "Duty to God".
If any of the Scouts are to receive a religious award, it may be presented at an appropriate time.
At the end of the service, the Scouts may parade out during the recessional or afterwards.
Schedule this in advance with the appropriate minister, priest or rabbi. Discuss what you would like to do and obtain his approval.
Examples of complete separate services are available from the U.S. Scout Service Project on the internet at It may also be linked to from
Any observance no matter how simple would qualify the Scout to be eligible to obtain the Scout Sunday observance patch available at the Scout Trading Post.
Vern Newman
Note: Future Scout Sundays are Feb. 6, 2005, Feb. 5,
2006, Feb. 4, 2007 and Feb. 3, 2008, with Scout Sabbaths on Feb. 12,
2005, Feb. 11, 2006, Feb. 10, 2007 and Feb. 9, 2008.